Living Room Pictures - with furniture

NEW Living Room Pictures

We have a crazy layout for our Living Room.

One end of the old Corral is our Living Room with two sofas and a stone bench (where the animals used to eat out of feed troughs). On the other end of the old Corral, was a 5-foot deep vat or pit where they crushed grapes to make wine. Part of the vat or pit was above ground. We filled the pit with dirt and debris, cemented the top and tiled it – we now call it a “Platform.”

So, steps come down from the entrance room (it’s a little large to call it a foyer) to a small landing. From that small landing you either go up to the platform, or down to the living room…..or you can go down on the other side to the little cave where I am going to put some kind of water thing.

I wanted to put a pond, but the room is already humid and we are afraid that a pond will only compound the humidity. So, I thinking some type of round thing and make it look like a well and have water pouring into it for the sound effect. I don’t think that will raise the humidity level very much.

These are the new pictures of the Living Room.

This is looking at the living room as you come through the front door.

From the Front Door Looking to left, you see a
lighted area just after the cabinet. That lighted area is the entrance to the Wine Cellar.

The door above the cabinet is the downstairs bathroom and laundry room.

Looking Right as you enter front door is a cabinet that was given to us.

Looking down into the wine cellar.

Looking down to the Platform.

I am standing in the Entry Room looking down into the old corral. This is the platform we made out of the old wine vat.

Looking down to the Living Room.

This is the living room that is lower than the platform.

Looking down to the Living Room again.

This shot shows the masks I collected while traveling around Africa.

I have 40 masks hanging on the wall and about 15 more to place somewhere.

large beam that slices across the Living Room space, is the actually a box covering the drain pipe coming from the kitchen and bathroom.

Before we bought the house, it didn’t matter that the drain pipe was there, because it was just below the hayloft and nobody saw it.

Steps network to Living Room and Platform.

From Platform looking at Living Room.

On the far left, you can see the stone bench with cushions on it. This can be used either for extra sitting space, or pick up the cushions and use it as a buffet.

Another view from Platform to Living Room.

Looking from steps to small cave where I want to put something with water.

This shows you where the small cave is. It wraps around and goes a few feet behind the platform.

We have asked people what it was used for, and nobody knows for sure. Some speculate that it was used to keep things cool.

From Living Room looking at Platform.

So, instead of having a “Conversation Pit,” we have a “Conversation Platform!”

From Living Room looking at Platform - you can see where the cave is.

This shot taken from the Living Room, shows you where the Platform is and where the cave is.

Here is the new Living Room ceiling.

This is our NEW living room ceiling. The beams are solid wood and when they put them up, they braced them so they actually support some of the old beams.

From Steps looking into Wine Cellar.

This is our Wine Cellar. I have about 50 bottles of wine and it looks like it is only one-quarter full!

The liquor bottles that are on the counter above the wine racks will go into a box Jordi is restoring – so they are just temporarily on the counter.

From Steps looking into Wine Cellar.

I took this shot looking at the entrance to the Wine Cellar to show Aimée, my daughter, where the sign she gave us hangs.

The black frame above the entrance actually reads “Wine Cellar,” but you can’t see it in this picture.